event pdq hire card machine hire short term

Guide for Short Term Card Machine Hire Get ready for your Event! Find out why Short Term Card Machine Hire is the best card payment solution for Shows & Events! There are a number of reasons why a business would want to hire card machines on a short term basis. These include attending an exhibition […]

merchant number - new horizon system

What is Merchant Service and Why you need a Merchant Account to take Card Payments?

In this blog we will be looking at what is a Merchant Service Provider and why without one and a Merchant Account number you won’t be able to take card payments. By not taking card payments  you are most probably behind your competitors and losing business.

A recent customer of ours realized this having accepted only cash he was asked by a customer if he would take a card payment for his order of Fish & Chips. He explained unfortunately he didn’t but there was a cash point machine just around the corner. The weather was not particularly pleasant this day so customer left never to return. Not only a sale lost but a customer for life.

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